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关于开展2016-2017学年广东省政府来粤留学生奖学金评审工作的预通知Guangdong Government Outstanding International Students Scholarship

Information about Guangdong Government Outstanding International Students Scholarship



In order to promote the internalization of Guangdong High Education, advancing the development of overseas students’ management, the government decided to set up scholarship for international students studying in universities of Guangdong. The relevant requirements of application are hereby notified as follows.



Amount : 10000 per academic year for each student

 三、 评选对象:2017-2018学年本科二年级以上(接受正式学历教育课程一年或以上,不包括2017届毕业生)、品学兼优、2016-2017学年必修课程无不及格、没有违反中国法律法规和违反校规校纪行为纪录。

 四、 评选条件:





Eligibility for application

The applicant must satisfy following conditions

1Full-time undergraduate students of Jinan Universitynot includes freshmanwho are aged under 40-year-old.

2. International students with foreign passports and valid visa.

3. Have not awarded any other government scholarship during this academic year.

4.Passed in all compulsory subjects and no disciplinary records in 2016-2017 academic year.

5. Mastering good level of Chinese language skills and are able to provide relevant statement (except for students studying in English-taught programs).







1. 《申请表》要求用word电子版格式完成后打印出来,请不要提交手写版本。

2. 感言要求:








The necessary documents for application include (do not use stapler):

1. Application Form of Guangdong Government Outstanding International Student Scholarship (download the form from this page), identification photo is required to be pasted on the form;

2. Undergraduate transcript with grades of 2016-2017 academic year (original document from Academic Affairs Department of Jinan University with official stamp);

3. Personal statement, about 300-500 words (only electronic version, Self-assessment for school performance, course learning, campus activities involvement, volunteer experiences, internship, level of Chinese, etc.);

4. Copy of passport (only electronic version, including pages of personal information and valid visa);

5. Statement of Chinese Language Level if possible.

6. Essay originally created by applicant, no less than 1500 words and 5 photos(only electric version). The essay could be involved feelings or experiences of living in China, learning in JNU, participating campus activities, making new friends or future study plan, etc.

Deadline: Please submit application form(only original version), copy of passport, personal statement, essay(only electronic version) before July 11 to your counselor assistant that is responsible for the scholarship, and hand in the original transcript of 2016-2017 academic year before September 5, overdue is inadmissible.

Ps: Application form, personal statement and essay are required to be filled in with electronic format. After finishing the application form, please print it out and hand it in with other necessary documents. Handwriting form will be not allowed to submit.

Notice: Student Affairs Department will submit recommendation list of candidates to Department of Education and Department of Finance of Guangdong Province. The Awarding List of scholarship will be ultimately confirmed by the above departments.


1. 已获得该奖学金的申请人将不再具备本年度华人学生、留学生其它各项奖学金的获奖资格;

2. 请学院根据学生提交的个人陈述填写好推荐学生申请表中“第15项学习主要课程及效果评价”部分,并按学生的个人成绩及综合表现进行排序填写学院汇总表,汇总表中学生姓名格式为:英文名+(中文名),其中英文名的格式为首字母大写,字体使用Times New Roman,字号可根据内容进行相应调整。例如:“Jim Green(吉姆·格林)”或“Simon Zhang(西蒙)”,如无中文名,则不填,即:“Jim Green”


4. 各学院需要报送的推荐材料包括:



5. 申请学生如经批准获奖,学校将根据其学号所对应的银行账号统一发放奖学金。

附件:1. 学院推荐名额分配


2)留学生(华人)人数20人以下的学院,请各推荐2-3名学生: 管理学院、经济学院、四海书院、医学部;



2:2016-2017学年广东省政府来粤留学生奖学金申请表(在读本科生)Guangdong Government Outstanding International Student Scholarship Application Form.doc  


 学 生 处


