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【国际学院】相约暨大 盛夏初遇(双语版)

(本网讯 通讯员 张人友 摄影记者 | 白雪 毛一惠 )2019918日,暨南大学19级萌新如期而至。沉寂许久的校园,因为新生的到来而沸腾起来。终于,美好的大学生活不必再翘首以盼,19小萌新们走进了偌大的暨南园,即将开启他们的大学之旅。暨南大学国际学院的老师、团委学生会以及学代团的成员们同心合作,顺利完成了19级国院新生的注册工作。

On September 18th 2019, freshmen with their big dreams, had their initial footsteps towards their journey in Jinan University. Congratulations to all the 2019 freshmen for being officially a part of JNU, this big family. JNU welcomes you all to your new home where you would learn, grow, make friends, exchange culture and explore new life.



The very first day of registration was a great success. Our teachers, ISLCSU members and ISSC members were all sparing no effort to make the registration work completed well.

Excited, happy and proud, freshmen were all busy filling forms and cooperating with their coordinators and acknowledging themselves with the systems of JNU. The seniors were also busy volunteering to help the freshmen, to make them feel at home in International School of Jinan University. Great appreciation and a loud applause to all the hardworking seniors and volunteers for their selfless efforts!



With the past day’s full preparation, our International School’s stall was arranged with colorful and beautiful flags. The flags of all nations hanged beside the queue, showing our international style and cultural tolerance, and our cheerful music and wonderful dancing attracted many freshmen’s sights.

Because our International School has plenty of foreigner students, we set up a special passage way for the students abroad, for the sake of better communication and better efficiency.


During the registration, several scholastic leaders also came to inspect our work, gave the freshmen warm welcome and gave all the volunteers appreciation.


图片作者:白雪 毛一惠
